Senator Boy Juma Boy laid to rest

By Franco Kundu

Kwale Senator Boy Juma Boy  has been laid to rest at his Vanga home, Kwale County.

His body was flown to the Coast yesterday afternoon. Senator Boy died on Sunday after a short illness at a city hospital.

He succeeded his father Juma Boy in a 1983 General election making him the youngest MP at the time.

Boy was elected Kwale Senator in the 2013 general election after garnering 60,886 votes against Chirau Mwakwere’s 41,753.

The Senator once told off leaders in the County and the government over development, saying they were only interested in taking over people’s land and resources.

He will be remembered for his eloquence in Kiswahili and the fight against the extension of Base Titanium mining.

CORD Leader Raila Odinga described Senator Boy as a visionary leader and a gifted orator whose untimely passing will no doubt be felt across the nation.

Upon learning about his death President Uhuru Kenyatta said Senator Boy was an astute politician who will be remembered for his immaculate use of Kiswahili.

Meanwhile, the opposition has suspended all its voter registration campaigns to allow a befitting send-off for the late Kwale Senator.
